1. Advice and Information -

    Read the latest advice and information from NHS England and Public Health England about Coronavirus

  2. Advice and Information -

    The current Coronavirus (COVID19) pandemic may cause you to feel worried, anxious, or scared. Read our seven steps to looking after your wellbeing while staying informed.
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    Would you like to make a difference by becoming a governor? Bradford Teaching Hospitals is seeking public governors to sit on the Foundation Trust’s
  4. Advice and Information -

    For new arrivals to the UK it can be confusing where to go if you need medical assistance. Here we outline your rights as a refugee, where you can access emergency help and how to register for a GP.
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    It's so important that you feel supported as a new parent. Read the article below to find out where you can go to get the help you need.
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    Do you know about your rights to language support in NHS settings?
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    When you need specialist NHS support, like hospital tests or treatment, you often need a referral from your GP first. Find out what this includes and what to expect.
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    A Wellbeing Network has been launched for Bradford District and Craven to provide advice and support on welfare benefits, mental wellbeing, domestic abuse, substance misuse, refugees and asylum seekers, physical health and carer support.
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    The holy month of Ramadan begins next month (22 March – 21 April) and will be observed by Muslims in Britain and around the world as a month of fasting (sawm), prayer, reflection, and community engagement.
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    Every year more than 385,000 people in the UK are diagnosed with cancer and there are currently at least 3 million people living with cancer across the UK.
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    Information compiled by Bradford District and Craven Health and Care Partnership ahead of Men's Health Week 2023
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    NHS England has announced that hundreds of thousands of NHS patients waiting longer than 40 weeks for treatment will be offered the opportunity to travel to a different hospital, if it means they could be seen sooner.
  13. Advice and Information -

    The Healthy Minds website is your first step to mental health support in Bradford District and Craven.
  14. Advice and Information -

    Talking Bradford is a new online step-by-step guide for parents/carers of children aged 0-5 in the Bradford district.