Are you looking for an NHS dentist in Bradford district?

Healthwatch England: Our position on NHS dentistry
Latest Healthwatch information on NHS dentistry in West Yorkshire
Dental services in West Yorkshire: Frequently asked questions
We understand your frustration, and it is helpful for us to hear about your experiences searching for NHS dental care. Unfortunately, we are not in a position to find a dentist for you - however, we can point you in the right direction. People we've spoken to have been able to find a dentist taking new NHS patients, or the urgent treatment they need, using the links below.
Type in your postcode for a list of dentists local to you that accept NHS patients.
This is another search option - a website that is independent from the NHS that lists dentists who are taking NHS patients.
You can contact the primary care complaints team at:
01924 552 150*
In writing: Primary Care Complaints Team, West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board, White Rose House West Parade, Wakefield WF1 1LT.
*Monday to Friday 9 to 5pm excluding bank holidays.
If you need urgent dental care and you cannot contact your dentist or you do not have one, get help from NHS 111 online or phone 111.
Tooth abscess, broken teeth, severe dental pain, and painful bleeding gums would all be classed as urgent.
You can also contact NHS 111, who can put you in touch with an urgent dental service.
Do not contact a GP, as they will not be able to offer urgent or emergency dental care.
Only visit accident and emergency departments in serious circumstances, such as:
- severe pain
- heavy bleeding
- injuries to the face, mouth or teeth
If you're not sure whether you should go to A&E, contact NHS 111, who will be able to advise you.
The emergency dentist will only deal with the problem at hand and provide clinically necessary treatment to stop any pain. An urgent dental treatment will always be charged at Band 1 (£23.80).
Find out more about NHS dental charges
If you're entitled to free NHS dental care, you should be able to claim back the cost of any treatment. Make sure you keep all receipts.