Latest news and views

New NHS home visiting service available to households in Bradford
A project has been launched that will help the residents of Bradford have easier access to preventative healthcare services and health education from their own homes.

Tell us: Are you getting the eye care you need?
Complete our short survey and tell the NHS if you're getting the right help to prevent or deal with sight problems.

People in Bradford district urged to plan ahead for latest NHS strikes
The NHS in West Yorkshire is urging people to plan ahead and to choose the right service for their healthcare needs as it prepares for the latest period of industrial action from February 24 to 29.

Share your feedback to improve care in our community
‘Share for Better Care’, a new campaign launched by Healthwatch and the Care Quality Commission, addresses health inequalities across England.

Share your views on local hospital access, care and treatment
We want to highlight your experiences of hospital access, care and treatment at the next meeting of the NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board.

Bradford Bulls among local sports clubs offering health screening to fans
The NHS in West Yorkshire is encouraging people to ‘Find Out How You Really Are.’

You can now recycle your old walking aids at Airedale Hospital and Canalside Community Health Centre
Airedale NHS Foundation Trust has opened two new recycling bins across its sites for members of the public to drop off walking aids that they no…

Webinars on how Ramadan can affect people with a serious mental illness open to members of the public
Bradford District and Craven Health and Care Partnership is working in partnership with the British Islamic Medical Association to deliver four…

Support for local communities in Bradford district and Craven for World Mental Health Day
Support is on offer to our communities for World Mental Health Day with local events and a refreshed website.
Latest reports and publication

People’s experiences of end of life care in West Yorkshire
NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (WY ICB) approached Healthwatch after committing to developing an end of life care vision to ensure residents of West Yorkshire receive the support they need and can die in a place of their choice, with consideration given to what and who matters to them. NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board
(WY ICB) wants this vision to be informed by the experiences, positive or otherwise, of people who come into contact with end of life care services.
(WY ICB) wants this vision to be informed by the experiences, positive or otherwise, of people who come into contact with end of life care services.
Find out more

2023-24 Annual Report
Our Annual Report summarises our activities during the past year, including our work in helping to ensure the voice of people using local services is at the heart of the new health and care system responsible for our area, how we're hearing from all communities and working together with other Healthwatch across West Yorkshire.
Find out more