Experiences of Childhood Immunisations in Bradford during COVID-19

This report sets out the findings of a survey we conducted from August to October 2020.


This survey took place to find out to what extent Bradford district was following the national picture of below average figures for take-up of childhood immunisations in 2020 compared to 2019. We wanted to find out about care-givers’ experiences of taking their children for routine immunisation appointments and to assess whether the pandemic was adversely affecting take-up.   

Our findings include:

  • Bradford appears to have followed the national trend, neither better nor worse
  • Although take-up dropped during the first weeks of lockdown, it recovered once surgeries re-opened and followed strict guidelines and procedures
  • Guidelines and procedures now in place for childhood immunisation appointments should reduce any negative perceptions from now on.

If you need this report in a different format, please contact us:


0300 5610 987

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