West Yorkshire Voice is a network that brings together individuals, groups, local panels, networks and organisations to ensure the voice of people is at the heart of health and care decision-making in West Yorkshire.
The network especially wants to hear from people with experience of health and care services, unpaid carers, people from diverse communities and those who might not normally get involved in formal groups.
There will be various opportunities to get involved, share experiences and views including completing surveys, taking part in discussion groups and other community events. The opportunities and outcomes from involvement will be displayed within the newsletter and website.
Jude Woods, West Yorkshire Healthwatch said: "Ensuring we hear from a wide variety of people is essential to help health and care services meet the needs of all our communities. We especially want to hear the voices of those who experience the greatest health inequalities and who we might not usually hear from. Please come forward and get involved."
West Yorkshire Voice will have a core group of individuals that reflects the geography and diversity of West Yorkshire. This group will be the key voice of the network and hold decision makers to account and link directly to our NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board and Partnership Board Members.
Cathy Elliott, Chair of the NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board said: “We really want to reach as many people as possible, so that we can make sure people’s feedback and experiences of local services are heard at the highest level. This is ultimately all about making the right decisions and ones that make a positive difference to everyone’s lives."
Join West Yorkshire Voice
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To find out more
Call Healthwatch on: 0113 898 0035 or