At Healthwatch, our job is to listen to people in Bradford and District about what matters to you about health and care, and to help make sure that the support and services available locally are meeting your needs.
Members of our team are out and about across our area meeting local people and ensuring that your voices are heard by those responsible for planning local health and care services. We also take part in various meetings with all sorts of organisations and partnerships whose job it is to plan and manage these services.
It was at the latest meeting of the Bradford and Airedale Wellbeing Board that we heard from the Bradford Citizens Young People’s Action Team about a growing "pandemic" of issues facing people aged under 18 in our area around mental health.
We want to work with local young people to help do something about this.
The first step? We want to hear from young people aged 18 and under in our area about your experiences, in your own words. Tell us what's what, and how things need to improve for you:
- What are the main issues affecting mental health for you and your friends?
- Have you tried to find local support? How did that work out for you?
- Do you find support from your friends and family? Or do you talk to online friends facing similar challenges?
- Were you able to find the information you need about local support? How and where would you like to be able to find out about what help is available? Social media, leaflets, visitors to your school? What would best empower you to find support?
- What new services and support would you like to see made available locally, and how would they work best for you? Do your friends in another area have access to help that isn't available to you where you live?

We want to hear your stories and work with you to make sure your voices are heard by those with the power to make sure services and support are made available where and how you need them. Fill in our quick and easy webform below, telling us about your experiences in your own words. We will use what you tell us, anonymously, to help make things better.
There's also the option to leave your details so we can talk more with you about your thoughts and experiences - on the phone, via email, video chat, however suits you best - with consent from a parent or guardian if you're under 16.
If you're interested in getting hands-on with our work, we're also looking for volunteers to join Young Healthwatch and set the agenda on the issues that matter to our brilliant local young people - more info on the link.